A composting plant is an installation in which organic waste is valued through the treatment of composting, in controlled ventilation, humidity and temperature conditions.
It consists of the following phases:
In this stage, the entrance materials are storages and separates from the seven impurities. S'utilitza a biofiltre to netejar els gasos.
The materials are mixed with the crushed vegetable remains - pine chips.
In this phase, high temperatures (from 60 ° C to 80 ° C) and high oxygen requirements are reached. It takes place in confined enclosures and forced aeration. This phase lasts approximately 6 weeks.
It includes the stabilization and maturation of organic matter and ends with the obtaining of organic fertilizer. Temperatures drop and the need for oxygen decreases. It lasts between 6 and 10 weeks.
As its name suggests, it is done at the end of the composting process. It consists of the screening of the compost and the reintroduction of the non-degraded plant fraction into a new composting cycle. |